Well-being in school- eTwinning annual theme

How do you maintain your well-being?

The Health Triangle – an exercise which surprised us a lot!

Answer questions on the three areas that are important to human being, circle numbers every time you say “yes” and then connect them in a triangle. Discuss about the area(s) that need improvement and ideas on how you can achieve it.

Thank you, https://www.mindmypeelings.com/blog/health-triangle for sharing such interesting materials with us!

Erasmus Days

If you participated in Erasmus+ projects, what did you learn from your Erasmus+ experience?

If you were to be part of Erasmus+ projects, what would you like to learn?

Together for a better future

Celebrating Europe Day and eTwinning Day together with students in our school and our partners in Erasmus+ projects. What do Erasmus and eTwinning projects bring to your lives? Share your opinions!

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